
mmmm that sandwich looks tasty af – Shroomie Who We Are We are a handful of people from different parts of the world who share two passions – listening to…

Happy Lanksgiving

Happy Lanksgiving to all our U.S. readers today (…and a very belated one to our northern neighbors 👀). I felt bad when I realized we neglected Thanksgiving last year and decided to make right on the mistake this time around. Halloween may be my favorite holiday but Thanksgiving is the most delicious by far!

I don’t know how many other countries celebrate Thanksgiving specifically, but the Harvest festival of food and celebration dates much further back and is shared by all sorts of cultures. Who doesn’t like a good party after all the delicious food has finished growing?

A common Thanksgiving tradition is to go around the table and say what you’re thankful for. Without getting too sappy, I am super thankful for finding all the other lanky bastards (and by extension, of course, the website). I wouldn’t have found even half the music I’ve discovered over the last year or two without nabbing tracks from fellow lankers. Thanks yall!

Pulling together tracks from a variety of the Lanky Bastards, here are some songs to bump this afternoon just in case Uncle Cletus starts explaining why America needs to be made great again or Aunt Marianne starts talking about the dangers of vaccines. Happy Thanksgiving you Lanky Bastards!

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