mmmm that sandwich looks tasty af – Shroomie Who We Are We are a handful of people from different parts of the world who share two passions – listening to…
Hello! I’m Boo (ahbooyou on JQBX) and on JQBX you can catch me flitting between EDM PLUR, MF Room, and (shhhh!) being a mod in NOCAB. To be honest, looking…
Sometimes when I’m listening to music the sounds form a music video in my mind. It isn’t always consistent and doesn’t happen every time, but its always a fun experience.…
Although I’ve dipped my toes into analog music media before with my mom’s record player when I was still living at home, I’ve never owned one myself and thus was…
Hello MotherLankers, I am Le Shroom. For my first blog post I would like to talk about a specific matter called PVC (since geeks will say to avoid the term…
Relatively Clean Rivers – Relatively Clean Rivers Relatively Clean Rivers self-titled first and only album release is a Psychedelic Folk Rock album with subtle influences of rural folk music, eastern…